30 women murdered in 6 months in Federated Kurdistan Region 2024-07-16 11:13:25   NEWS CENTER - Pointing out that at least 30 women were murdered in the Federated Kurdistan Region in 6 months, RJAK member Ronak Majid said: "Women are left unprotected. New laws must be implemented urgently."    Violence, oppression and murder cases against women continue to increase in the Federated Kurdistan Region. Since January, at least 30 women have been murdered by their relatives. Most of the murders of women are covered up as "suicides". While laws that guarantee women's lives are not in force, the perpetrators are empowered by the policy of impunity. Ronak Majîd, a member of the Free Women's Movement of Kurdistan (RJAK), evaluated the government's policies towards women and the massacres of women.    'WOMEN HAVE NO ROLE'   Mecîd said that women are restricted in all areas of life in the region and that political developments in the region also pose a great threat to the future of women. Emphasizing that 4 women were killed by men in June, Majîd said that women's deaths were made to look like suicides.      Majîd said that women's voices are suppressed in the region. Noting that women cannot take part in politics, parliament and on the streets, "The problem of women is a political and historical problem. To deny women is also to deny the creativity of life. They commodify the women they cannot kill. Through television, centuries of women's labor and culture are assimilated. By removing the woman from her existence, they create a modern slave. Women who work and have responsibility within the system are not seen as women. These women play the roles assigned to them by men, not their own roles" she said.     'NEW LAWS ARE NEEDED'   Mecîd stated that children who witness violence and massacres against women grow up in the same way and that male violence, which has organized itself in the region, poses a serious threat to future generations.    Stating that women applied to their organization secretly, Majid continued as follows: "Many women have applied to us so far. We talk to the families of the women who apply and focus on solutions to their problems. However, many women do not dare to come to us. Because they are threatened with death. Recently in Hewlêr, a 14-year-old girl was murdered in front of everyone in the street by her father because she objected to marrying a 20-year-old man. This person was detained and then released. How can a murderer who kills a child not be punished? Why don't these laws work? This government has to protect women and girls. Women are being threatened and this leaves women unprotected. The government urgently needs to implement some new laws. If women organize here and stand against violence, then we can talk about a popular revolution. Because where there are no women, society collapses. The current situation is the most concrete example of this."   MA / Zeynep Durgut