Nelson Mandela's book confiscated 2024-12-03 13:20:28 AMED - Police officers confiscated Nelson Mandela's book "Long walk to Freedom" and a book compiling Mehmet Hayri Durmuş's letters at the 8th Book Fair in Amed.  Two more books were confiscated at the 8th Book Fair in Amed (Diyarbakır). "Long Walk to Freedom", an autobiographical book about Nelson Mandela's life, and a compilation of the letters of Mehmet Hayri Durmuş, who lost his life in the death fast against torture in Diyarbakır Military Prison No 5, were confiscated from the stand of Aram Publishing House. Police officers noted that there was a confiscation order on both books.    Yesterday, a confiscation order was issued for the book "Dildarê Serkeftinê" by Mahmut Aba, which was on the stand of Aram Publishing House.   Aram Publishing House officials reacted against the police. Stand worker Newal Bulut said: "We will participate in the fair until we have only one book left. We will hang a sign saying 'Usurped books' in place of our usurped books."   Stand worker Sevinç Aldar was detained and taken to the Provincial Security Directorate.