'Attacks must stop, new constitution must be made' 2025-02-28 15:32:16 ANKARA - Politicians who followed the historic statement in Ankara called for a democratic constitution and an end to the attacks.    Following the third meeting of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party İmralı Delegation, PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's call was made public in Istanbul. The call was followed by mass meetings in many centres. One of these centres was the DEM Party Ankara Provincial Organization.   Politicians and representatives of civil society organizations demanded a democratic constitution and an end to the attacks.   'WE TRUST THE CALL'   Bedriye Irmak, Co-spokesperson of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Central Anatolia Representative Bedriye Irmak stated that they, especially as women, attach great importance to Abdullah Öcalan's call and said, "We will do our best to ensure that the call results in the gains of the people. We trust the call and attach great importance to it. Everyone needs to stand behind this call."   Bedriye Irmak stated that all segments of the society should embrace the call and added, "We hope that the call will result in gains. Kurds and PKK Leader Mr Abdullah Öcalan played their part and did what was necessary. From now on, Turkey, President Tayyip Erdoğan, the CHP, the AKP and everyone should take more responsibility in this process. The government should take steps for a new constitution. In this context, it must stop the aggression against Northern and Eastern Syria. We have kept my promise, now they should also keep their promise and do it."   'DEPENDS ON THE STEPS OF THE STATE'   DEM Party Ankara Provincial Co-chair Fatin Kanat said, "The call points to a democratic ground where the demands of all peoples and all beliefs will include their rights and walk together with them. The meaning and reciprocity of the call depends on the steps to be taken by the addressee, the state. If the government evaluates this call correctly and positively, they should create the necessary legal conditions mentioned by Leader Öcalan. In this way, this land, this geography, including the Middle East, will find the ground for a truly honourable peace. We evaluate this call in this way. If the government is aware of this and takes the right steps to create the necessary legal and political climate, we will have the peace that our peoples expect and long for. We will continue to endeavour and struggle to create the democratic free environment that all our people long for."   'THIS PROCESS IS AN ANTIDOTE'   Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Labour Assembly Member Yılmaz Demirci said, "Abdullah Öcalan's historic call has strengthened all segments of the society struggling for labour, democracy and social peace. This process is the antidote to war. All segments of the society should support this process with all their strength so that these dark days will not come again, people will not die and a real peace will be achieved. A large part of the society will support this call. As labourers, we support the calls for peace. The next process will develop in part with the path and method to be followed by the state and the government. The existing laws need to be democratised quickly, the annihilation and denialist laws created by the 1980 coup d'état need to be changed and democratised."