Marching against usurpation of the will: We will take back what is ours 2024-07-06 14:14:21 WAN - Women taking part in the "Respect for the Will March" stated that they are marching against the policies of isolation and war and said: "We will take back what is ours."       As the "Respect for the Will March" launched by the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) from Istanbul to Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) on June 30 against the usurpation of the will continues, the women taking part in the march spoke about the policies of the government and the purpose of the march.      Rahime Çalışkan, who participated in the march from Amed (Diyarbakır-Kurdistan), stated that their struggle will continue until the usurpation and plunder mentality takes a step back. "We will take back what is ours" Çalışkan said, adding that their enthusiasm increased in every center they visited. Çalışkan said: "We will continue to resist until the end. We march against oppression. We claim our struggle and our rights."   TARGET CO-CHAIR SYSTEM    DEM Party Muğla Provincial Co-Chair Neslişah Çetinkaya, who took part in the march, stated that the target of the current mentality is women's gains. Çetinkaya said the following:  "The trustee appointments are a policy against not only the Kurdish people but all peoples. Co-chairship is the main thing that is not digested. Because the existing mentality is one that ignores women. This 5 thousand years old mentality has alienated women from society and from themselves. Now there is a struggle against this in every field. That is why they are afraid. The usurpation of will in Kurdistan is also to suppress the developing women's will."   Çetinkaya said that the AKP-MHP government exists itself with the war policy and added: "We know that the cause of the poverty in the country is war. These trustee appointments are not independent from war policies. They do all kinds of tricks, they carry illegal voters, and when that fails, they appoint trustees."      'THE LEADER OF THE KURDS IS IN ISOLATION'   Referring to the "absolute" isolation in Imrali Type F High Security Prison, Çetinkaya continued as follows: "The leader of the Kurds is under isolation. They are trying to design the country through Kurds. This is the colonialist mentality. However, no matter what they do, this people is growing. The peoples of Turkey also need to speak out against the usurpation of will. This situation is now a matter of the future. We will not step back from our struggle."     'STRUGGLE TOGETHER IS THE SOLUTION'   Hanım Kurum, who joined the march from Istanbul, said that they set out to respond to the existing oppression. Reminding that their last stop is Colemêrg, Kurum said: "We are marching against the isolation policy against prisoners in prisons. We demand the physical freedom of Mr. Öcalan. If we are united, we can overcome all social problems, especially isolation."