‘Everyone must speak out against the occupation’ 2024-07-27 10:20:20   ISTANBUL - DBP politician Mehmet Reşit İnce pointed out that the war is costing the people of Turkey and said: “Civil society organizations and political parties must raise their voices against this occupation policy.”    In early July, Turkey launched a large-scale attack on the countryside of Amêdiyê district of Dohuk in the Federated Kurdistan Region. Turkey had 64 bases in the region before June 15, 2014, increasing to 71 by 2024. Turkey is building new bases and establishing checkpoints where it continues its offensive. Hundreds of families were forced to leave their lands due to these attacks. Reactions to the attacks, for which the KDP provides all kinds of intelligence and logistical support, continue.      'KDP'S HISTORY IS A HISTORY OF BETRAYAL'   Mehmet Reşit İnce from the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Marmara Bureau evaluated the attacks. Pointing out that Turkey has been attacking the territory of the Federated Kurdistan Region for a long time, İnce also drew attention to the cooperation of the KDP in the attacks. Ince said: “This is not the first betrayal of the KDP against the Kurds. There is a KDP whose history is full of betrayal. In 1946, it betrayed even the collapse of the Mahabad Republic. The KDP's betrayal and cooperation goes back many years. At the current stage, the Barzani family has gone beyond betrayal. They are trying to end the Kurdish people together with their own enemy. They do not realize that they are actually destroying themself.”   ECONOMIC CRISIS, WAR AND IMRALI ISOLATION   Pointing out that Turkey has also shifted paramilitary groups from Syria to the region, İnce said that the deepening attacks are linked to the isolation policies on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. “If Turkey wants social peace, the Turkish state must go to Imrali” İnce said.    Stating that the economic repercussions of the war on the people of Turkey are severe, İnce contunied as follows: “People are now collecting food from the garbage because of Turkey's war policies. Instead of giving the budget allocated for the war to the peoples, it gives it to gangs. Therefore, if a peace process is to be initiated, first of all, it is necessary to meet with Mr. Abdullah Öcalan. This war is not only a Kurdish issue, but also a Turkish issue. We are facing a government that makes enemies between people. In this sense, we have great responsibilities. All civil society organizations and political parties must stand up and raise their voices against this occupation policy.”