DEM Party Co-Chairs front of Supreme Election Board: This is a political coup


ANKARA - DEM Party Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan described the failure to grant the certificate of election to Abdullah Zeydan in Wan as a "political coup". Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said: "The decision must be reversed immediately."

People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan made a statement in front of the Supreme Electoral Board (YSK) regarding the election coup in Wan.


Bakırhan said: “We are faced with an extortion, a method that has never been applied only to us. The coup was previously carried out through the trustees, is now being carried out by the judiciary and the existing laws. The people of Van, together with great dedication and effort, especially the Van Metropolitan Municipality; We won all 14 settlements in Van with a vote unprecedented in Turkey. Apparently this situation bothers some people. Now, the Ministry of Justice is trying to usurp the will of the people. This is a political coup.

This needs to stop. We have seen the results of trustees appointed to the will of the Kurds for about two terms. The losers were those with trustee mentalities who appointed trustees. Our people were the winners again. They sent trustees from all municipalities where trustees were appointed. This means that the demands, wishes and will of the society cannot be changed by appointing trustees, usurping the will, and establishing a dual law.


In fact, the legal provisions are very clear. Our co-chair Zeydan applied and it was accepted by the provincial election board. YSK also nominated him as a candidate while announcing the official results. There were no obstacles. During the two-day objection process, no one, especially the ruling Ministry of Justice, objected. Therefore, the candidacy process has been completed with the approval of the YSK. Then, the results in Turkey, especially the Kurd's results in the elections... this is not fraud, what is it? This judgment is not usurping the will of the people of Van. This election is nothing but taking out the pain on the people of Van. The Kurds need to give up their hostility towards the Kurdish will. Enough. You appointed a trustee for two terms. You usurped the will of the people of the region. The people responded to you in the election. Now you want to usurp it in another way. We are against this and will definitely support the will of the people of Van. We will never allow the will of the people of Van to be squandered with such games.


The President stated just yesterday that he would respect the will of the people and the ballot box results. What happened? What changed just one day later? Isn't the usurped will of the people of Van? Isn't it the result of the ballot box? I wonder if the President meant to say 'except the Kurds, except their will' in these speeches. We would like to point out that he must remember the words he said yesterday.


A dual democracy and dual law is implemented in Kurdish cities. We say enough is enough, we say stop. We call on YSK members to be sensitive on this issue. From now on, decisions will be made with the instructions of the Ministry of Justice and the guidance of the government. The will of the people of Van was revealed in the election. There is no other option other than complying with this, taking this into consideration. This is a political coup. We will stand together against this coup as all Kurds, workers in Turkey, the poor and the people of Turkey. We will definitely not accept this political coup.


This situation is not only a problem of the DEM Party. It is the problem of everyone in Turkey who has a conscience, who has honor, and who has even a shred of democracy left in them. Could such nonsense be possible? This time, you will try to usurp it through the judiciary instead of the trustee. We will not allow this. We invite all political parties, democratic mass organizations, and all sensitive segments in Turkey to show solidarity with the people of Van against this political coup, to solidarity with the DEM Party, and to fight together to eliminate this injustice and lawlessness. We do not accept that the issue is brought to the agenda 48 hours before the elections.


Co-chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said: "We are at a point where we are the real decision-making authority in the capital of Turkey. An almost unprecedented success in Turkey has been achieved by the DEM Party, which covers all 14 municipalities in Van. Those who cannot digest this success, knowing that this success will happen, knowing that this success will be achieved. As our Co-Chair has just stated, our dear Abdullah Zeydan, whose application has been submitted, has gone through all the auditing processes and mechanisms, has not been objected to in any way and his candidacy has been approved. This issue is being brought to the agenda at 16.55 on Friday evening, 48 hours before the elections. It is not possible to accept this. We will never accept this.


Erdogan came out and said that we will respect the will of the people after this election defeat. But it seems that we have seen once again that when these people are Kurds and the people of Van, they will not respect this will. We reiterate our call from here; Stand by your words, Erdogan. If you said you will respect the will of the people, respect the will of the people. Look, Konya elections took place. I wonder what the difference is between Konya voters and Van voters? We ask this. Your attempt to eliminate this difference through the so-called law is almost a political coup. This is a political coup, we underline it.

The government suffered a defeat in these elections. If it tries to take revenge for this defeat from DEM Party members; it is greatly mistaken. The defeat it experienced is the result of the trustee policy it is pursuing today. This defeat is the result of the authoritarian government, which tried to create a political will for itself by not recognizing the constitution and the law.

If they continue with this method and introduce other versions of the trustee regime, they must know that this defeat will continue exponentially. We emphasize this once again. We warn the Palace and the Minister of Justice, and we make our call to the YSK in front of the YSK. We object to this decision made by the Provincial Election Board. We are making our objection to the YSK. We share with the entire Turkish public that this objection must be evaluated within the framework of the law.


If our objection is not evaluated within the framework of the law and the certificate of election is not given to Abdullah Zeydan, this means; This means that YSK will also have signed the unlawful act. It will pave the way for other unlawful acts. They must also know that those who commit such unlawful acts cannot escape the conscience of the people.

As DEM Party, we will apply for all legal proceedings, these decisions, and those who make unconstitutional decisions. We will make our complaints. And let it be known that this era will not remain like this. Those who work in the YSK, including the minister, must know that they will be held accountable to the public one by one when this time returns.

From here we reiterate our call for the last time; Let our objection be evaluated by the YSK in a lawful manner. This demand is not only the demand of the DEM Party. When we look at the media today, we see that there is a high level of objection from most of the people of Turkey. Let the Palace see this, let the YSK see this. This decision must be reversed immediately. This decision must never be made a final decision. The will of the people must be respected equally wherever they are and decisions must be made accordingly. From here, we once again invite all democratic forces in Turkey to stand by the people of Van and bury this injustice and lawlessness underground. We have never allowed these methods, which are a version of the trustee regime, to continue, and we will not. We invite the entire public to be sensitive on this issue.”

 Hatimoğulları said that the petition has been prepared and the petition will be submitted in Wan tomorrow.

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