22 people murdered in 8 months in Turkey’s attacks

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  • 10:31 7 September 2024
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NEWS CENTER - While at least 22 people have been killed in Turkey's attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region in the last 8 months, the lack of a single statement from the Iraqi government and KDP on the attacks drew attention. 

Turkey has increased its attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region in recent months. In the attacks, which continue with the cooperation of the KDP, civilian settlements and vehicles are frequently targeted. In addition, assassinations of politicians are carried out. In the last 8 months alone, at least 22 people, including journalists Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn, have lost their lives and 11 people have been injured. 
The Iraqi central government and the government of the Federated Kurdistan Region are completely silent about the attacks. In addition, no statement has been made so far about the civilian massacres. While the KDP media legitimized the attacks as “PKK militants were bombed”, a “security agreement” was signed between the Iraqi government and Turkey. 
The details of the attacks in the last 8 months are as follows: 
* January 18: Rojava woman activist and politician Firyal Suleiman was assassinated in Kirkuk, where she had gone to work on women's issues.
* February 20: Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) bombed Serê Mountain in Kafya village. Retired Peshmerga men named Arif Taha (61) and Bashir Omar Ali (68) lost their lives. 1 person was also wounded in the attack.  
* February 29: A vehicle belonging to the Shengal Martyrs Committee was targeted from the air. Father of 3 children Sadun Mîrza Ali lost his life. 
* February 29: Dr. Abdulkadir Sabri Toprak, who worked in a private hospital, died in an armed attack in front of Westa Hesen Restaurant in Silêmaniyê. 
* March 8: Dêwke village on the border of Duhok and Şêladize was bombed; Said Mübarek (35) and Araz Ferec (29) were killed. Salih Mubarak was wounded. 
* March 8: Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ) fighter Mejdal Hasan Xelef lost his life in an airstrike against Shengal.
* April 2: 2 people were wounded in an airstrike against a vehicle near Serdeşt Camp in Sinjar Mountain. 
* April 13: A young man named Muhammed Seid lost his life in the bombing of a house in Şarbajêr town of Silêmaniyê. 
* April 18: Warplanes targeted a civilian vehicle in Biradost. Serwer Hacı Kadir (46), father of 3 children, lost his life.
*April 23: Ahmed Heyderî and Resul Çekalî, father of 3 children, were killed in an attack near the Iranian border. 
*July 8: A press vehicle carrying Çira TV and Çira FM reporters was attacked. Çira FM reporter Mîrad Mîrza İbrahim was seriously wounded and died. Çira TV reporter Medya Hasan and free press employee (driver) Xelef Xidir, 2 members of the same family and a small child were also wounded.
*August 23: In Seyîdsadiq in Silêmaniyê, a vehicle carrying journalists was targeted by an UCAV. Journalists Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn lost their lives in the attacks. 
* September 3: A person named Bedi Kemal Muhammed lost his life in an attack in rural areas of Sîdekan district. 
* September 4: A citizen named Muzaffer Hüseyin Xidir Ewla and his 2 sons lost their lives in a drone attack against a vehicle in Dukan. 
* September 5: 3 people lost their lives in a UCAV attack against Çiwarta sub-district of Şarbajêr district of Silêmaniyê.

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