AMED - TJA commemorated Sakine Cansız, Fidan doğan, Leyla Şaylemez, Sêvê Demir, Fatma Uyar, Pakize Nayır, Evîn Goyi, Mir Perwer and Abdurrahman Kızıl who were murdered in January.
Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) commemorated Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan, Leyla Şaylemez, Sêvê Demir, Fatma Uyar, Pakize Nayır, Evîn Goyi, Mir Perwer and Abdurrahman Kızıl who were murdered in January in Farqîn (Silvan) district of Amed (Diyarbakır). Peace Mothers Assmebly members, DEM Party Amed Provincial co-chair Gülşen Özer and Farqîm district executives and many people attended the commemoration held at the party district organization building. Photographs of the murdered people were hung in the hall.
The commemoration started with a minute of silemce, followed by a cinevision show. Speaking at the commemoration where slogans "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)" and "Be Serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)" were frequentlu chanted, Gülşen Özer said, "We have paid many prices and today we are together for the women for whom we have paid again. We will continue to commemorate them throughout out lives."
The commemoration ended with applause.