NEWS CENTER - The new issue of Jin magazine met with the readers with the headline "We Revolt against the Crime of Women and March to Freedom".
The 106th issue of Jin magazine, which meets with readers weekly, was published with the title, ""We Revolt Against the Crime of Women and March to Freedom". The new issue focused on how 2025 welcomed March 8 International Women's Day with the resistance and struggles of women. In her article titled "Women's Revolution and the Dangers of Counter Revolution", Hira Ahlat drew attention to the "Rojava Women's Revolution" and how women greeted March 8 with the results of this revolution.
Dîlan Bebleşîn, in her article titled "A View of March 8 from Southern Kurdistan", wrote that Federated Kurdistan is a geography where not only the Kurdish people's struggle for existence continues, but also a geography where women's struggle for emancipation has been historically shaped and how women in this geography went to March 8.
All titles in the new issue are as follows:
* Women's revolution and the dangers of counter-revolution / Hira Ahlat
* A view of March 8 from South Kurdistan / Dîlan Bebleşîn
* 8 Marches and Women's Empowerment / Nejla Kurul
* Being a woman health worker / Yıldız Ok Orak
* After Fatma Altınmakas / Meryem Ağar