Campbell family taking legal action to bring their daughter's body back

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  • 12:40 26 October 2019
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ANKARA - Dirk Campbell is getting ready to take legal action to get her daughter Anna Campbell's body back. Anna Campbell lost her life in 2018 as a result of a Turkish air attack in Afrin.

YPJ fighter Anna CAmpbell (Helin), lost her life as a result of an air attack on March 24, 2018. Campbell family hasn't been able to recieve the body of their daugther despite the passing time. Father Dirk Campbell is preparing to take legal action against both Turkish and British governments because his daughter still remains where she fell.
Dirk Campbell announced the campaign 'Bring Anna Home' in the 'Rise up for Rojava' rally held in London last week. Campbell has almost provided the necessary funds for the legal process.
Campbell spoke to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) about the process. Campbell, stating that his daughter Anna have always been a politic young woman said she spent much of her time and energy on protest actions and support for the weak and defenceless. She wrote letters to prisoners, carried out sabotage actions to the hunts, which is a prevalent 'passtime' in England where men hunts foxes on horseback, she was a volunteer in a French refugee camp called Calais Jungle, she resisted with the travellers while they forcefully evicted Dale Farm with the participation of the riot police, and stop the construction of an airport with Le Zad commune and carried out actions against arms manufacturers.
Campbell told her father that she will fight for the Rojava Revolution in 2017, when she finished collage.
Dirk Campbell who contacted the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and had meetings with all of these institutions, recieved the answer that they will do all they can in their power, but Mr. Campbell says they did nothing to help. Campbell said: "I wanted to go to Rojava and search for my daughter myself. And for that, I contacted the Turkish Embassy in London to ask for safe conduct to find her daughter's remains in Afrin but I haven't recieved any official response."
Campbell, stating that her daughter's body is not buried, said: "The Turks have the policy of leaving dead bodies of those they kill to lie where they fall. They shoot anyone who tries to recover them. I know exactly where she was killed, outside a house in Mahmoudiyeh to the north west of Afrin city. Her remains are still there if they have not been cleared away."
Campbell, stating that he will take legal action against the Turkish Government for depriving him from the right of a decent funeral for his daughter, said: "I am taking legal action first against the Turkish government for refusing me my human right to recover my daughter’s body. This is not the same as court action, but court action will follow if the Turks do not respond according to international law. There may be legal action against the British government as well for collusion and failure to pressurise the Turks sufficiently, we are not sure yet. This is a lengthy process of information gathering, interviewing witnesses and assembling a legally watertight case."
Campbell, stating that the operation Turkey carries out against North and East Syria despite the ceasefire is a scandal Europe must oppose strongly.Campbell said: "It is an outrageous scandal that Turkey’s illegal actions have not been strongly opposed by governments internationally. The USA’s envoys have done nothing to help the Kurds. It is a betrayal and a show of weakness by the West in the face of Erdogan’s brazen behaviour. Protests will achieve nothing, which is why I have to take legal action. If Erdogan does not comply with international law in my case he and his cronies will have to be subpoena’d by the international criminal court (ICC). Part of the reason for inaction by the West is that Turkey is a NATO member and a good weapons customer - it has the second largest army in NATO after the USA. Politically it occupies an important position geographically next to Russia, Iran and Syria, so the West does not want to rub Erdogan up the wrong way."
Stating that appeasment did not work with Hitler in 1939, it will not work with Erdoğan in 2019, Campbell said: "Psychopaths subordinate reality to their personal interests. They climb to the top by treading on everyone else. ‘Evil unopposed can always count on well-meaning acquiescence. In other words, things will always get as bad as they are allowed to get.’ 
To contact Dirk Campbell regarding the 'Bring Anna Home' campaign, click here:

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