VAN - HDP MP Tülay Hatimoğulları, stating that North and EAst Syria is sought to be handed over to militarist groups, said: "Who is financing the Syrian National Army (SMO) and how? Who is financing a whole army?"
People's Democratic Party (HDP) Adana MP Tülay Hatimoğulları made assessments regarding Turkey's attacks against North and East Syria and the projects regarding the refugees in the region.
Hatimoğulları, stating that AKP aims to hand the region over to themilitarist groups with his attacks, said that public resistance erupt in the face of these attacks. Hatimoğulları pointing out that the Kurdish community fought shoulder to shoulder with the Arab community, said: "What AKP wants is to place the refugees in a 'safe zone' between Turkey and Kurdistan. AKP is trying to pick a war between the Arabs and the Kurds in Syria that will last for years with their policies. Both AKP and the capitalist countries' aim is is to change the demographic structure and to leave behind the two communities fighting each other and as a result of this, to control both Syria and Kurdistan by dominating the Kurdish community. Another aim is to destabilize the region."
Hatimoğulları asked 'Who is financing the Syrian National Army that is being used in war and how? Who is financing a whole army?"
Hatimoğulları emphasized that the Kurds should be included in the Syrian Constitutional Committee and that the Kurds and the Autonomous Administration of Syria should be included in the new Constitution. The Autonomous Administration fought against ISIS at great costs. In a new Syria to be established against these costs and a new Syrian Constitution to be established, the Autonomous Administration must be present. There has been a war in Syria for years. If Syria is still standing; this was thanks to Arabs, Kurds and other peoples. The Syrian Constitution should recognize the existence of Kurds and the Autonomous Administration without ignoring their 8-year war. This is our universal demand.."
Emphasizing the common struggle against the war policies of power, Hatimoğulları stated: "While fascism is being isntitutionalized, they take systematic steps to destroy the entire opposition. Even though they have criminalized HDP so much and arrested so many of our friends and executives, we are standing still. There must be a total struggle against fascism. One day, fascism will surely be defeated."