ANTEP - Antep Court of Jurisdiction 18th Penal Chamber rejected Toğrul's request of appeal regarding the 2 years 6 months prison sentence given by the local court with the accusation 'propagandizing an illegal organization'.
ANTEP – Antep Bölge Adliye Mahkemesi 18. Ceza Dairesi, HDP Milletvekili Mahmut Toğrul'un, yerel mahkemesinin “örgütü propagandası yapmak” suçundan verdiği 2 yıl 6 ay hapis cezasına yaptığı itiraz reddedildi.
18th Penal Chamber examined the file on the objection made to the decision of the local court.
In its conviction for action, the Chamber found that there had been no violation of any procedural and substantive law, that there was no lack of evidence and proceedings, and that the assessment had been in place. The chamber deciding that there is no lack of accuracy in the decision of the local court, rejected the request of appeal.
Toğrul's lawyer will take the decision of the local court to the Court of Cassation.