İSTANBUL - Journalist Hediye Levent, evaluating the operation Syrian Army launched with the support of Russia, stating that the circle will gradually tighten for Turkey in Idlib towards the border, said: "Pressure my increase for Turkey regarding their withdrawal from the observation points."
The de-conflict agreement Turkey, İran and Russia signed in Sochi regarding İdlib is virtually eliminated when Syrian Army started an operation with the support of Russia. While the tension between Ankara and Moscow that faced off against each other in Libya reflects to İdlib and the Syrian Army advances ignoring the observation points of Turkey, violent conflicts continues lead by Turkey backed Heyet Al Lam (El Nusra).
London basen Syrian Humans' Rights Observatory announced that intense clashes takes place in the region after the ceasefire in August. According to the data of the observatory Syrian Army took controll of at least 10 villages to the south of İdlib and more than 100 people lost their lives.
Again many people have fled towards north as a result of the clashes.
AKP's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has also announced that 50 thousand people were heading towards Turkey. Journalist Hediye Levent who follows the developments at the region closely, made evaluations for the Mesopotamia Agency (MA).
Levent mentioned Syrian Army getting into the observation points of Turkey with the support of Russia.
Levent recalling that Russia is responsible for the security of these observation points, stated that the circle will tighten for Turkey towards the borders in İdlib..Levent said: "In this case the survival of the Turkey backed groups and the observation points may come back to the agenda. Turkey might have to withdraw from these observation points, or evacuate them or move them to somewhere else."
Levent underlining that the final operation against İdlib hasn't started yet, said: "There are M4 and M5 highways passing through the region.These operations go up to the junction in Idlib countryside where M4 and M5 meet. Once the Syrian Army has secured it, maybe it will stop once more. Then, depending on the political conditions that directly affect the field may perform other operations."