DİYARBAKIR - Bağlar Municipality, while there was no force majeure, based on Article 10 of the Public Procurement Law, bidded for 14 companies outside the province by invitation.
Hüseyin Beyoğlu, President of Bağlar Municipality, who was mandated by the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) instead of Zeyyat Ceylan, the candidate of the People's Democratic Party (HDP), because he was dismissed from office under the Decree-Law (Decree Law) despite winning the March 31 local elections, gave tenders to 14 companies outside the province by-passing the firms in Diyarbakır by invitation.
There are 14 companies in which the tenders made within the scope of Article 10 of the Public Procurement Law (KİK) allow invitations due to force majeure such as natural disasters, epidemics and mobilization.
It was also revealed that some of the 14 companies where the tenders made within the scope of Article 10 of the Public Procurement Law (KİK) allowed invitations due to force majeure such as natural disasters, epidemics and mobilization, had no commercial registry records.
According to the study the registrations of the firms owned by Cem Tabier, Baver Basri Bilek, Cüneyt Cangin, Hamdusena Kaya, İbrahim Hayrullah Şener, Ramazan Çelik could not be found.
Yapılan araştırmada Bağlar Belediyesi’nin mucbir sebeple davetiye usulüyle ihale verdiği Cem Tabier, Baver Basri Bilek, Cüneyt Cangin, Hamdusena Kaya, İbrahim Hayrullah Şener, Ramazan Çelik'in üzerine kayıtlı firmaların ticari sicil kayıtlarına ulaşılamadı.
Diyarbakır Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (DTSO), Bağlar Belediyesi ve Karayolları 9. Bölge Müdürlüğünün Diyarbakır firmalarını devre dışı bırakarak mucbir sebepleri gerekçe göstererek il dışındaki firmalara verdiğini açıklamıştı.
İhalelerin düşük bir kırımla yapılarak kamu kurumlarının zarara uğratıldığını belirten DTSO, ihalelerin iptal edilmesini istemiş, sorumlular hakkında suç duyurusunda bulunacağını duyurmuştu.