ELAZIĞ - İMO Representative Hıdır Kaya, who is a 48-year civil engineer in Elazığ, stated that 80 percent of the buildings in the city are old and that there is a serious negligence in the workmanship and materials in the buildings and that no measures are taken for these buildings that are in danger of being collapsed.
While 5 buildings were completely destroyed in the earthquake in Elazığ, heavy damage was detected in thousands of buildings. It was learned that stream sand was used in the construction of these buildings that caused 41 deaths. In addition, while it was stated that the collapsed buildings were made in the 80's, it was detected that the iron used in these constructions were thin and not enough.
Kaya, a civil engineer of 48 years, stating that buildings older than 20 years are risky, said: "80% of the buildings in Elazığ are old.Buildings over the age of 25 have never been eliminated. Made of large pebbly sand. We are still in a bad situation regarding our workmanship and control. Even though our recent projects are uncontrolled, I think they are better than before."
Stating that all the buildings damaged in the earthquake should be identified and demolished, Kaya said: "Most of the residents of the old buildings are our low income citizens. Low-income citizens do not have the power to renew their buildings. How will a minimum wage person renew their building? All municipalities are indebted, there is no way that they can do this. This must be done by the government. This work has to be done by the government in a planned and programmatic manner."
Kaya, mentioning AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan's words about building TOKİ (Housing Development Administration of Turkey), said: "TOKİ will come and build a few new buildings instead of the ones collapsed in the earthquake. This is not a solution. We insist that all damaged buildings must be detected and demolished and new ones must be built. But who will do this? This is a problem. The price of a hundred square meter apartment by TOKI is at least 200 thousand TL. It will be 400 thousand liras with 8% interest paid in 10 years. Who will pay 40 thousand liras a year? Those who live by the minimum wage? TOKİ won't build anything without debitting people."
Reminding that big decisions were made after the Marmara earthquake and promises were made that steps would be taken, Kaya said: "However, no precautions have been taken so far. The same thing will happen again. After a while, the Elazig earthquake will also be forgotten.They will build a few new buildings to replace the ones that have collapsed in the earthquake and then they will forget about it. Same things will happen in a new earthquake.
MA / Semra Turan- Mehmet Şah Oruç