NEWS CENTER - Abdüllatif Şener, one of the founders of the AKP, announced that Presidency High Advisory Board (YİK) member MEhmet Ali Şahin did not sign the “fight against the FETÖ advisory jurisdiction" in 2004 in the National Security Council (MGK) meeting.
Abdüllatif Şener, the AKP co-founder and former Konya deputy of Republican People's Party (CHP) made statements regarding the "political branch FETÖ" discussion, which came to the agenda again. Saying that “FETÖ” have been settling in all levels of the state during the period of AKP government, Şener said, “Mr. Erdogan said something right in his speech in 2016. FETÖ settled inside the state in his own period. During the Erdoğan government, FETO have settled in all levels of the state from the army to the judiciary. Abdulkadir Selvi had a saying, "They got 15 times stronger during the AKP period.' Therefore, the years of AKP and Erdoğan's period of government is a period that FETÖ has gained significant grounds."
Stating that the issue was discussed at the National Security Council (NSC) meeting after the AKP came to power, Şener said, “The main topics of the MGK meeting are internal and external hazards. Internal hazards are such issues. There was something different in 2004. A decision was made that required the government to fight FETÖ. I was at the meeting where that decision was made. It was served to the press after 9 years. We don't know who served it. This has been argued continuously since then."
Underlining that the allegations that the presentations were made, discussed and decided at the MGK meeting in 2004, Şener said, “No presentations or discussions were made in 2004. Before the meeting it is customary that the Prime Minister, the President and the Chief of General Staff hold a meeting. In this tripartite meeting, they decided, 'This should not be discussed.' While discussing another topic, the signature text brought before us. We have seen that this is a text about "Combating FETÖ". Abdullah Gül and Prime Minster Erdoğan was with me. I said to Gül, 'What is this decision all about? We have not spoken a word about it." Gül, whispered ‘Don't ever talk. It will be signed without further talk'. Mehmet Ali Şahin, who was with me, did not sign."
Mehmet Ali Şahin is currently a member of the Presidential High Advisory Board.