ANKARA- Amed City Theater will bring the play "Xewna Şevek Havînê" to Ankara audience.
Amed City Theater will stage the play "Xewna Şevek Havînê (A Midsummer Night's Dream) by William Shakespeare in Ankara. The play will be staged on February 18 at 20.00 in Yeni Sahne in Kızılay.
Ferhad Feqî is the director of the play that Kawa Nemir translated into Kurdish. The play will be staged by a large team of players including Avşîn Adıgüzel, Berfîn Emektar, Dicle Yavuz, Kemal Ulusoy, Mahmut Kösem, Mesut Erenci, Özcan Ateş, Özkan Şeker, Sena Özbey, Şahabettin Dağ, Şahperî Alphan, Şilan Alagöz, Yavuz Akkuzu, Zeycan Ateş. The Romantic-comedy consisting of two acts, takes an hour and 40 minutes.
A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of William Shakespeare's early romantic comedies. Although its first date of publish is 1600, but it is believed that its script and the first staging took place around 1594-95. Its main theme is love and marriage. It emphasizes the absurdities of these two concepts through complicated relationships.