Kubilay: HDP will be in the field of struggle with both its policies and act in the new period

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  • 15:08 21 February 2020
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ANKARA - HDP Spokesperson Günay Kubilay said that they will decide on their policies that will shape the political and organizational line of their parties in the next two years with their 4th congress on February 23.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson Günay Kubilay held the weekly regular press conference and he spoke on the preparations for the congress and the agenda at the party headquarters. Speaking about the death of 9 people in two armed attacks in the city of Hanau in Germany yesterday, Kubilay wished condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the attacks and who were injured.
Emphasizing that the attacks in Hanau were motivated by racism Kubilay said: “Unfortunately, again, in many countries of the world, political powers ignore such racist attacks. They are contented with formal messages of condemnation, and do not even move a finger to find a solution for such phenomena that motivate and trigger racism. It is clear that the way to put an end to racist attacks is at first and foremost to undergo a consistent and uninterrupted struggle against the mentalities, powers and policies that lay the ground for racism. ” By condemning the attack, Kubilay called on the peoples of the world to fight against racism, xenophobia and massacres.
Speaking on the 4th Grand Ordinary Congress, which will held on Sunday, Kubilay said: "Grand party congress will take place in such a conjuncture which is characterized by economic, politic and regional crisis that feed and trigger each other and stands in the threshold of a critical crossroad. Being aware of such a conjuncture, the congress will determine the main strategic goals of the upcoming period and will issue the 'political road map' that will reach the HDP to the point aimed."
Explaining the main themas of the congress, Kubilay stated: “If I need to highlight a number of political priorities that our congress will insistently emphasize in such a critical moment they can be as follows: First of all, it will be a declaration of 'We are 'here, we are in HDP' against many attacks and political liquidation operations against HDP, all the moves aiming at disempowering and isolation of HDP, against the daily police operations, detentions and arrests, against the appointments of the trustees who steal the will of the Kurdish people. The congress will be a joint meeting point which will confirm the insistence on the ideal of a new life and on the target of an egalitarian, libertarian, pluralistic, ecological and democratic republic in such a period that nationalism, sexism, religiousism, and marketism are imposed non-stop over the society through the political oppression and force of AKP-MHP."
As part of this process, we want to underlien that we are ready for a democratic cooperation to meet in the 'minimum democratic program' and to build a 'political transition process' together with all the parties and and forces inside or outside the parliement, who seek democracy, object to the palace regime, which is also referred to as the 'one man regime', foresee a return to a democratic and pluralistic parliamentary system, search for building democracy, along with priorities.  Our congress will sign under decisions regarding the whole social, political, social, economic, democratic, ecological, cultural issue as well as the youth and women's problem. And our party will be ready for the new period as a party which has the word, the discourse, the policies and the act regarding all aspects of life.
Regarding the participation in the congress, Kubilay said: “We have created and invited a wide list of guests including all artists, writers and academics, all the unions, democratic mass organizations, platforms, initiatives, institutions and organizations as such those of all we evalute to be in line of democracy. Our congress will be the scene of the broadest and strongest international participation in our party history. 54 friendly political parties and institutions from 26 countries will participate to the congress with an internationalist awareness of solidarity. There will be announced the support and solidarity messages from our friends in many countries of the world from Australia to Ireland that they have send in written and in video form. 
As for the guests in the country, we did not invite parties such as AKP, MHP, BBP, who act as the hostiles of HDP. Apart from that, we invited all the parties, including the İyi Party and the Gelecek Party, which have a certain political harmony with the HDP, and we hope that many will attend our congress. More than 100 journalists from Turkey and abroad have been accredited to our congress so far. Despite all the embargo and monotony on the media, we know that all press workers will keep their eyes at this congress. Because the journalists know that HDP is the transformative power of Turkey. Every word and every decision to be taken at the HDP congress will play a significant role in shaping the upcoming years. As a result; We are awaiting and inviting everyone who walks on the path of peace, democracy, freedom, law, and justice together with HDP to be in solidarity with HDP and to experience the enthusiasm and excitement in our congress together."
Kubliay said, “Language is life, language is identity, language is the connection of human with world and labor. All kinds of attacks and assimilation attempts against languages ​​are an attack on the existence of humanity. Therefore, the struggle for mother language is essential and can not be given up. Equality for peoples, freedom for languages ​​should be the basic principle."
Kubilay ended his statements with a message in Kurdish and Turkish: “Roja zimanê dayikê pîroz be. Zimanên me rûmeta me ye. Em dibêjin bê zıman jıyan nabe. / Happy Mother Lanuage Day to all of you and to all of us. Our language is our honor. We say that without the language, there is no life.

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