ANKARA - TTB called "Take active measures" for the coronavirus that caused 4 people to lose their lives in Iran.
The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) declared a statement regarding the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) outbreak that has caused 4 people to lose their lives in Iran so far.
Indicating that the local infection cases in the neighboring country Iran cause concern in Turkey, the statement declares, "Although Iran is not an endemic cuntry for the disease, since the cases of death grows the suspicion that there are a large number of infected people in Iran, serious measures should be taken."
The statement, which called on the Ministry of Health to take more active measures regarding the studies on coronavirus, included the following suggestions:
"* Controlled transportation from and to Iran must be provided (border gates, airline). Isolation is required for the people who have a travel history to Iran and also have fever and other symptoms of disease.
* Protection measures for health workers should be prioritized and these studies should be managed by the Ministry of Health (should not be left to hospital administrations).
* The shortage of N95 masks, which must be used when performing special procedures during the care of patients, and medical masks recommended for routine health care, may result result in the inaccessibility of masks for the risky groups and especially healthcare professionals that need to use the mask. To prevent this situation, health workers should be provided a mask by the Ministry of Health.
* It should be noted that the use of medical masks, which are widely observed in the society, will not prevent the transmission of the disease and also carries a risk. This is because of the fact that the same mask is used multiple times and these masks become a carrier of the infection.
* The existing informative materials produced by the Ministry of Health should be distibuted to all segments of the society with the participation of local governments"