Cameras are off the record during the torture in the hospital!

  • actual
  • 12:23 25 February 2020
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İSTANBUL – The hospital management, which Mehmet Yaman, who had been in intensive care for 10 days after suffering a brain hemorrhage as a result of being beaten by the police in Haseki Training and Research Hospital, replied that the cameras were not on the record during the incident. Other recordings that were found, revealed the police violence. 

Mehmet Yaman (48), who was the target of police violence and suffered a brain hemorrhage as a result of the blows he received while trying to protect the wife of his two nephews and siblings in the Fatih district of Istanbul on the evening of February 15, has been in intensive care for 10 days. Yaman's health status, who is currently undergoing treatment at the Istanbul University Çapa Medical Faculty Intensive Care Service, does not improve despite the passing 10 days. Yaman, whose left side is paralyzed, has fractures and bruises in many ribs. The Yaman family, who still cannot get over the trauma they experienced, started a legal struggle for the torturer police to be punished.
The family, who first applied to the Human Rights Association (İHD), filed a criminal complaint with the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.
Family lawyers asked the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to collect and examine the security cameras of Haseki Training and Research Hospital where torture occurred. Upon this request, the Chief Prosecutor's Office, who wrote to the Hospital Chief Physician, was given the answer "Cameras were not on record" on the day of the incident.
Although this response came from the hospital, new images of the day of the incident were reached. One of the images belongs to the security camera of a workplace in the vicinity. In these images, it is seen that dozens of police are in the area, running on the street, spraying pepper gas. The person who recorded the security camera footage with a different camera says: "How can a person do this to a human being? He is a 16 year old boy. Shame on you. Look, he's spraying pepper spray. They fired a gun, you see. You see, cowards, right? 30 people are attacking one man. God is great, brother." The words of the spectator summarizes the violence of the police.
A citizen named Mehmet Yaman (52), who has been the target of torture while trying to protect his nephew and aunt, who were tortured by the police on February 15 in Fatih district, has been in intensive care for 4 days as a result of celebral bleeding due to torture. After being taken into custody, Muhammed Yaman was taken to Haseki Training and Research Hospital. The family who arrived in the hospital asked the police officers waiting why they battered a boy in the ages of a kid. As a result of the discussion police attacked the family in front of the hospital. As Muhammed Yaman's mother Güler Yaman was hit on her hands by the police batons, the tension in the verbal dicussion increased, so does the dose of violence. The police started attacking and hitting Muhammed Yaman's brother and mother. Upon this, Uncle Mehmet Yaman, who wanted to protect his nephew and the mother of his nephews Güler Yaman shielded himself on them.
Mehmet Yaman, who was tortured with a kicks and punchs of the police as well as being hit by gun stocks and batons had a celebral hemorrhage and was brought to the Intensive Care Service of Çapa Medical Faculty. It was stated that not only a number of Yaman's ribs were broken, but also a.paralysis occurred on the left side of his body, which still maintains serious.

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