İSTANBUL - It was learned that speaking Kurdish in Eskişehir Prison was prohibited and the wards of the prisoners are frequently stormed by special operations forces. The prison administration imposing unbelievable bans also prevented sending musical notes outside, claiming the notes are organizational cyphers.
It was learned that the violations against political prisoners increased in Eskişehir H Type Closed Prison. Can Çıldır who visited Emre Can Demir, told about the violations of rights his friend told him about. Çıldır who said that the families coming to visit their relatives are not allowed to speak in Kurdish and that the guards tell them 'You are speaking in a language we don't understand. We have to understand what you say. You might me leaking information'.
Çıldır stating that art and culture is also prohibited in prison, said: "They don't allow the prisoners send musical notes or drawings outside. They say it is "encrypted messaging of the organization". The instruments people send inside are also banned. There is a state of isolation in all prisons."