İZMİR - İzmir Municipality Parks and Gardens workers, IZSU workers and workers in other branches organized in Genel- İş İzmir No 2 Branch, started a strike action due to the lack of outbreak measures.
The Directorate of Parks and Gardens, the General Directorate of Water and Sewerage Administration (İZSU) and workers working in different units of the Metropolitan Municipality of Izmir stopped working today on the grounds that the necessary measures were not taken against the coronavirus (Kovid-19) outbreak.
The Board of Directors of Genel-İş Izmir Branch 2, which is affiliated to the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions that made a written statement on the subject, said: "In accordance with the decision we made two days ago in the representatives' board, we agreed to stop working if necessary protective equipment like masks and latex gloves are not provided. While many of our units took necessary precautions, the Directorate of Parks and Gardens did not. Therefore, our friends working for the Directorate of Parks and Gardens will go to work, but will start working.