ISTANBUL- Ecologists, who said that the climate crisis and coronavirus epidemic are the result of globalization, noted that it is impossible to switch to a new system unless lessons are learned from disasters.
According to the report of the Global Commission on Adaptation, which consists of 18 countries, including the UK, the world is unprepared to the cliamte crisis on a serious level.
If the necessary investments are not made in the next decade, the poorest people with the least responsibility for global warming will pay the heaviest price. One of the effects of global warming is malaria, which will spread with the effect of grasshopper flocks and mosquitoes.
Ecologists shared their comments on the effects of the climate crisis, methods of solution, and coronavirus outbreak with the Mezopotamya Agency.
Prof. Dr. Levent Kurnaz stated that as a result of effects of the the climate crisis, Malaria that is also carried by mosquitoes will be more dangerous for Turkey and we are unprepared for this danger.
Noting that the coronavirus is a global problem, a world-wide solution is sought for, Kurnaz underlined that the main problem will be malaria. Stating that the issue of the climate crisis has been pushed into the background today, Kurnaz said, “But it is an issue that we should not push to the background and we should focus on it. As long as we burn oil and natural gas, the world will keep warming and we have to stop this".
Regarding the main problem behind the grasshopper herds seen in Africa and Arabia, Kurnaz said: “In other words, if there was a struggle about them, the current situation would not be reached. Unfortunately, the inability to intervene at the first time due to the political problems in the Saudi Arabia-Yemen region caused the problem to reach to this point".
Polen Ecology Spokesperson Cemil Aksu said that there can be many direct or indirect links between the climate crisis and the coronavirus and that the destructions in the nature and the animal experiments caused major breaks in the ecosystem.
Underlining that the city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus originated, is an important place in terms of wild animal trade and animal nutrition, Aksu said, “The interventions in the current life in Wuhan have spread all over the world through the food system. In this respect, we can make a list for the causes of the climate crisis, which can show the similarity of the causes that can be related to Corona as well: the decreases in diversity, the disruptions in sub-ecosystems, bio-genetic studies".
Expressing that the health system has been being transferred to the private sector, Aksu stated as follows: “Even in such a global crisis, there is a competition between the USA and Russia over who will produce the drug. Rather than taking the public healt into consideration, there is a fight over who will find the vaccine and who will dominate the billions of dollars in the vaccine market. When you look at all this, we see that capitalism has no chance to respond via the market tools neither to the climate crisis nor to the crises like corona".
Underlining that the capitalist system based on an unlimited desire for growth and consumption madness should be abandoned, Aksu said that the answer to the question of what to do against the climate crisis and ecological destruction lies in socialism. Aksu made a final remark as follows: "There is no other alternative in order to stop the ecological destruction they have created over the 200-years-of history of capitalism and to re-create the relationship of human-nature on a creative basis. Either we explore how to construct a new communism or we will be fighting for our lives in this barbarism".
MA/ Tolga Güney