BATMAN / DİYARBAKIR - While HDP's Batman, Silvan, Lice and Ergani Co-Mayors were dismissed and trustees were appointed to replace them, the co-mayors were detained during police raids on their homes.
Trustees were appointed to Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Batman, Silvan, Lice and Ergani Municipalities with the decision of the Ministry of Interrior. While police conducted search at the municipality buildings, the streets in front of the municipalities were closed to traffic, and the staff going to the municipalities were not taken into the buildings and sent back to their homes.
Along with the appointment of trustees to the municipalities, houses of the co-mayors were raided by the police. According to the information obtained, Silvan Municipality Co-mayor Naşide Toprak and Ergani Municipality Co-mayor Ahmet Kaya were detained during the raid on their homes.
Belediyelere kayyım atamalarıyla birlikte belediye eşbaşkanlarının da evlerine baskınlar düzenlendi. Alınan bilgilere göre, şimdiye kadar evlerine baskın yapılan belediye eşbaşkanlarından Silvan Belediye Eşbaşkanı Naşide Toprak ve Ergani Belediye Eşbaşkanı Ahmet Kaya gözaltına alındı.
HDP had won 3 metropolitan municipalities, 5 provinces, 45 districts and 12 towns at the March 31 elections. With the last appointment of trustees, 36 of the 65 municipalities won by HDP were replaced with trustees, 3 of which was metropolitan municipalities while the mayors of 1 province, 29 districts and 3 towns were also replaced by trustees.