ISTANBUL - Union representatives who said that the social isolation rule initiated against the new type of coronavirus should also be implemented for workers, stated that the measures should be implemented in a certain way to prevent loss of rights.
The social isolation rule initiated to prevent the spread of the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) does not apply to workers. While “stay at home” alerts are constantly being made by the ruling authorities, workers continue to go to work using public transportation and services. While businesses such as restaurants, cafes, bars, barbershops are temporarily closed, factories working on metal, textile, and construction where hundreds of workers work together are still working.
The risk increased with the virus in these lines of business, where sanitation and worker health safety measures are not taken under normal conditions.
As a result of the temporary closure of their work, the workers are issued for compulsory unpaid leave or face dismissal without compensation. Union officials found the measures announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan inadequate. Asalettin Arslanoğlu, Head of the Textile Workers Union Istanbul Branch affiliated with DISK, said that workers should not work to ensure full social isolation. Stating that the fact that workers' continue to work is an indication that no measures were taken, Arslanoğlu said that distributing masks and gloves does not mean taking action.
Underlining that the unemployment insurance fund was created for such cases, Arslanoğlu said, “If the fund had not been used unnecessarily and out of purpose by the governments until today, the loss of workers could have been covered for many years to come. However, the funds were used in many different programs like transferring salaries to public employees and transferring companies to other regions. There is a very limited resource left today. However, if the government stops transferring resources to these frivolous projects, it can use the remaining resources for workers who lost their jobs."
Stating that he did not approve the Economic Stability Shield Plan, Arslanoğlu emphasized that the financial budget created by the workers' taxes should be used for the minimum livelihood of the workers in case of social isolation. Stating that only rich people were given tax heralds in the announced plan, Arslanoğlu stated that all citizens should be protected equally.
Addressing the measures announced by the President, Özkan Atar, the Secretary General of the United Metal Workers Union of DİSK, underlined that these measures are aimed at protecting capital and its profits rather than protecting workers and the society. Stating that the safety of the workers must be prioritized as soon as possible, Atar said: "The government should take new measures in order to secure the income assurance and living conditions of the workers."