VAN - Van Bar Association Immigration and Asylum Commission Chairperson Mahmut Kaçan said that necessary measures should be taken for refugees' access to health in order to prevent risks to be experienced due to coranavirus.
Coronavirus (Covid- 19) influencing the whole world as well as Turkey increases the anxiety in the people day by day. Refugees are one of the major risk groups in terms of coronavirus. Van is amongst the 5 riskiest cities due to the refugees coming from Iran border. Coronavirus Scient Committee member Dr. Mehmet Doğanay evaluated the risk at the İran - Van border.
Expressing that all tests must be done and all precautions must be taken at the removal centers and the centers where captured refugees are held, Van Bar Association, Immigration and Asylum Commission President Mahmut Kaçan said that with the coming spring, the number of refugees coming from Iran will increase.
Stating that refugees are among the primary risk groups in terms of coronavirus, Kaçan said: "As the weather gets warmer refugees from many countries will come to Van via Iran. People who have been infected in some way or have been infected in another country will come to the city. This situation poses a significant risk for both refugees and the people of the city. We see that state institutions have an anticipation and anxiety about this situation. If precautions are not taken, the risk will be much higher after a month."
Stating that they could not meet with the refugees in the city due to the epidemic, Kaçan said, “We know that the Migration Management is working on the subject. We know that the 14-day rule, especially for refugees crossing the border have been implemented and the refugees came recently were screened. In particular, we have received information that newly arrived refugees are treated according to the 14-day rule. Even more effective measures need to be taken in this regard.
Kaçan stating that the refugees at the Greece border are open to every sort of danger, said: "The refugees here are staying in tents. They do not have access to hygiene and a healthy environment. The consequences will be grave if someone there is diagnosed with coronavirus.It is naive to say that this virus, which affects the world, will not affect those refugees. Therefore, state institutions need to take all these measures urgently. So it is necessary to say this; "This virus epidemic is not a situation that is transmitted through refugees, so it is necessary to protect their right to access health without targeting them."