ANKARA - Lawyer Ceren Şimşek stated that the reduction of execution of sexual crimes is "a culture of impunity", said: "Because of the government that introduces law proposals against children, a system that launders the criminals have been institutionalized."
The exclusion of political prisoners in the execution regulation brought in the Third Judicial Package, which was accelerated due to the epidemic of Koranavirus (Kovid-19), causes reactions because of the remission to be granted to sexual offenders. Attorney Ceren Şimşek stated that with the said amendment the time to be served in prison will be reduced by half and for sexual offenses including sexual abuse of minors will be reduced to seventy five percent and that the bail conditions will be reduced to two thirds of the sentence. Şimşek stated that releasing some of the prisoners while thousands of others remain in prison does not have anything to do with protecting the public health.
Stating that the culture of impunity for violence against women, sexual abuse of child and sexual assault crimes is rooted deep in the judicial system, Şimşek said: "Inadequate penalties are given in courts for the crimes in question. There are remissions of unjust provocation and good conduct which are violating the international laws. The fact that the Istanbul Convention we signed and the Law No. 6284 (on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women) are not enforced creates serious grievances for women and children. Women and children are again victimized by the state at every stage of this traumatic process. A system that launders the criminal is institutionalized by the government that introduces law proposals against children at every opportunity. While the number of children exposed to abuse and women exposed to violence increases every day, the perpetrators are protected by not receiving the appropriate punishment as a result of this policy of impunity. Punishment is important for deterrence. The government has a great role in the formation of this culture of impunity.
MA / Eylem Akdağ