İSTANBUL- SES Union's Istanbul branches shared their demand list of 13 articles regarding the problems faced by healthcare professionals due to coronavirus outbreak with the Provincial Health Directorate.
The Health and Social Workers' Union (SES) İstanbul branches sent the 13 demands of the healthcare workers in the hospitals regarding the problems they faced due to the coronovirus (COVID-19) outbreak to the the Provincial Health Directorate.
The demand includes union's inclusion in the management of the crisis, immediate and complete supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) (gloves, surgical mask-N95 and FFP2 mask during liquid contact, liquid-tight apron, eye shield) to all healthcare workers, the planning of the working hours of healthcare workers to reduce the working hours to ensure that all the workers work in equal duration, taking appropriate and adequate measures to ensure the hygiene of health workers (creating places to take a shower, washing clothes in institutions, regular disinfection of common areas, delivering packed food, providing additional food supplements that strengthen the immune system etc.), providing disinfected transportation tools allocated only to health workers, regular coronavirus testing of the healthcare workers and taking all the healthcare workers with history of contact into quarantine.