MARDİN - Erkan Taşkan, a prisoner from TArsus Type T Prison, stating that the neccessary measures have not been taken in prison, said: "The prison staff and the guards are not using masks or latex gloves. They distribute our meals like that. This is also how they conduct searches or counts. They touch all of our belongings. They put our healths in danger as well as their own."
Taştan, stating that the prison administration did not take their complaint seriously, added that the detainees and convicts have not been given gloves, masks and disinfectants so far. Taştan said: "They just told us that there are masks and gloves in the prison canteen. They told us we can purchase them by paying for them."
Taştan mentioning the amendments on Penal execution law, said: "We, as the political prisoners, want the government to act accordingly with the principle of equality. There are people in prisons, imprisoned for social media posts and many absurd charges. They have to be released. At least the old and the sick should be released. We want the people outside to be our voices. The society should be sensitive about this at this point."
The prison administration which we called on the phone to confirm the allagations, denied the allegations.