ADANA- Stating the coronavirüs makes no distinction, but the Ministry of Helath does, Dev Sağlık-İş Union administrator Cumali Bolat demanded the cleaning staff, nursing personnel, nurses and medical secretary who are in the status of 4-D to be included in the return of capital.
Union of Revolutionary Health Workers, under the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK), head office administrator Cumali Bolat told what he has been through the coronavirus pandemic.
Reminding that the subcontractor workers are recruited with the Decree Law No. 696 (Decree Law) and that a collective agreement will be signed at the end of 2020, Bolat said that it is not clear when and in which business line the contract will be signed. Explaining that they work with a minimum wage plus 4 percent in the first semi-annua period and 4 percent in the second period, Bolat said that they will be paid 30 TL and 25 TL child benefit. Expressing that the general problems of 4-D people are the definition of their business line and collective labor agreement, Bolat reminded that the services in the field of health should be taken as a whole.
Bolat said he works at the Balcalı Hospital of Çukurova University Medical Faculty's COVID-19 service and both his and his colleagues' psychology has psychological problems. Bolat continued to tell his story as follows: "Our pscyhology is devestated with the fear that we may spread the pandemic to our family. I have never been tested yet or went thorugh any medical screening."
Health worker Bolat finished his statements saying that "We go to the hospital and work and then come back to where we live. This is the biggest problem. I use public transportation to the work. If I am infected, I spread it to the community. They should organize this process in a disciplined manner. They should assign us to spesific hotels and ensure that we do not go in the society. And then they should test us to see if we are infected and let us for some time out and continue the shifts with the other personnel in a cycle".
MA/ Hamdullah Kesen