ANKARA - TTB Secrertary General Dr. Bülent Nazım Yılmaz said 'They have destroyed the social distance rule they seem to value so much in two hours' regarding the curfew the government announced two hours before the ban.
Citizens flocked to markets and bakeries to meet their needs after a two-day curfew was announced just two hours before the ban would start, as part of coronavirus (Kovid-19) measures taken by the Ministry of Interior. The long queues in front of the stores caused comments that the outbreak management was not well done.
The General Secretary of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) Dr. Bülent Nazım Yılmaz, who made evaluations to the Mesopotamia Agency, said: "It looks like an administrative plan. Because it would be better if this decision was announced by the Health Ministry and the Science Committee. They should have shared with the society what we, as the society was going to gain with this two day curfew and reassured them. It was really sappily in terms of preperation and the announcement of the decision.
Yılmaz explained that the announcement of the curfew without any explanations have paved the way for more contamination since the people flocked to markets and bakeries. Yılmaz who stated that as the TTB they have focused on the human contact from day one, said: "They have destroyed the social distance they say they value so much in two hours."
Drawing attention to the importance of keeping the morale of people high and being in solidarity, Yılmaz said: "These processes are easier to overcome with solidarity."