İSTANBUL - Stating that the government once again showed its enmity against society and journalists with the new law of execution, journalists said that the basis of the vacancy of prisons was to make room for opponents and journalists.
"Law on the Execution of Criminal and Security Measures and Law Amending Some Laws" introduced in the parliament due to the threat of the coronavirus (KOVID-19) was accepted by the votes of the AKP and MHP groups. While the ordinary prisoners are released with the new law, the political prisoners who are locked up for their thoughts or speeches, academicians, students and journalists are excluded from the law that caused reactions.
Journalist Celal Başlangıç, stated that the AKP government once again showed that they are friendly with organized crime organizations and enemy to journalists, to those who freely expresses their opinions and thoughts. Stating that the MHP wanted the regulation from the beginning, Başlangıç said: "There have always been a balance between AKP and MHP. This law goes into history as the law of shame."
Başlangıç, stating that the government will use this law as a base to strengthen their position, said: "The AKP government seems to evacuate the prisons to make room for new opponents. By further hardening its attitude, by introducing different practices, it can pave the way for a new wave of arrests. Ofcourse those arrested will be the opponents and Kurds, the journalists and democracy powers." editor Ali Ergin Demirhan, stating that the government amends those who are close to it and punishes those who oppose, said: "There are people the government spesifically want to keep behind bars. They are journalists, intellectuals and politicians representing millions. The fascist government is implementing its own character."
Etkin News Agency (ETHA) reporter İsminaz Temel, stating that a special new arcitle was added to the law proposal to prevent journalists from being released overnight, said this is an indication of the enmity of the government. Temel drawing attention to the fact that Turkey is one of the most backward countries in terms of press freedom, said: "But whenever this comes up, the government says they do not have any issues with the press and that the press is free in Turkey. The reality is the exact opposite. It is very clearly that the government's attitude towards the press and freedom of the press is that enemy policy is constantly in ."