ANTALYA - Attorney Ahmet Çevik, reacting to the fact that the Directorate of Religious Affairs (DRA) targeted LGBT+ and HIV patients in the friday sermon while remaining silent regarding the release of sex offenders, said the DRA is targeting basic rights and freedoms with its hateful words.
President of DRA, Ali Erbaş targeted LGBTİ+, gays and people living with HIV in his friday sermon. He said: "O people! Islam accepts adultery the greatest haram. Islam curses homosexuality. Why? Because it brings diseases and corrupts generations. Hundreds of thousands of people are exposed to HIV virus a year as a result of this adultery. Let's fight against this evil together to protect people."
Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Antalya Provincial Co-Spokesperson Attorney Ahmet Çevik slammed the DRA. İHD Antalya Branch, Women's and LGBTI Commission, We Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Research Association, Antalya LGBTI Platform, Antalya Women's Platform and Antalya Abdal Musa Association, Antalya Women's Counseling and Solidarity Center, Women with EMEP, Women with Peoples' Houses, İMECE, KESK Antalya Women's Council have signed the statement published by Çevik. HDK Co-Spokesperson Çevik said DRA is going beyond the law and targeting the basic rights and freedoms.
Halkların Demokratik Kongresi (HDK) Antalya İl Eş Sözcüsü Avukat Ahmet Çevik, Diyanet'in hutbesine tepki gösterdi. Çevik'in yayınladığı açıklamaya İHD Antalya Şubesi, Kadın ve LGBTİ Komisyonu, Biz Cinsel Yönelim ve Cinsiyet Kimliği Araştırmaları Derneği, Antalya LGBTİ Platformu, Antalya Kadın Platformu ve Antalya Abdal Musa Derneği, Antalya Kadın Danışma ve Dayanışma Merkezi, EMEP'li Kadınlar, Halkevci Kadınlar, İMECE, KESK Antalya Kadın Meclisi ve HDP Antalya Kadın Meclisi de açıklamaya imza attı. Hutbenin birleştirici değil, nefret ve ayrımcılık dolu ifadeler kullandığının belirten HDK Antalya İl Eş Sözcüsü Avukat Ahmet Çevik, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı'nın kuruluş kanunlarının ve yasaların ötesine geçip, temel hak ile hürriyetleri hedef aldığını söyledi.
Çevik, reminding that the DRA remained silent when the sex offenders were released with the new law on execution, said: "We can not understand the DRA 's hateful and discriminatory discourse that targets people while the whole world is fighting against the coronavirus. We think this is an effort to change the agenda by creating a new polarization."