VAN- Families, who condemned that the soldiers have attacked to graveyards in the districts of Van demanded these attacks to end. Medeni Atsak, who has recently received a warning regarding his child’s grave told, “Take your hands away from our graves”.
During the Ramadan months, which is holly fort he Muslim community, the soldiers continue to ruin and destroy the gravestones in Van. The soldiers, travalleing throughout Van district by district, checks out the graves of the people who got killed in armed clashes. Soldiers look for any writing, any piece of clothe as such on top of the grave stones call out the families to come to the grave yard and tear down the grave stones before the families’ eyes.
Medeni Atsak, from the Yuvacık (Teqiz) Neihgborhood of Van, who is one of the families who has been called and warned by the soldiers about the gravestone of their child, called out to end this application by the soldiers: “In the Ramadan when we fast don’t hurt us anymore”.
Atsak protested and asked for the immediate end this military applications as he calls out to the authorities: “ When a person dies all the judgements end. Nobody is supposed to attack and harass the grave of a person. Anybody who passes by the grave preys. However, here our gravestones are destroyed. To destroy the gravestones is against the law and it is a crime. There is no place for such an act in any religion. We want this military application to stop immediately. This decision should be cancelled now. Take your hands away from our graves.”
Last week the soldiers has made a military operation to the selected graveyards in Varn and destroyed many grave stones. After these first applications of such an attack to the graves, the similar military operations began to be conducted in the graveyards of some other cities.