MARDİN - Fahri Doğan from DİK Secretariat critisized the attacks against the cemeteries and said 'They are attacking the dead, who are the guests of God' and stated that the islamic law is trampled.
Soldiers who have been going to cemeteries in the Kurdish cities, destroying the gravestones of those who lost their lives on different dates, breaking the gravestones, erasing the code names and symbols on the stones caused reactions. Fahri Doğan from the Democratic Islamic Congress Secretariat which was closed down with a law decree, commented on these attacks during Ramadan.
Commenting on the attacks against the gravestones, Doğan said: "Those oppressors who do don't accept their mistakes, are attacking the dead, who are the guests of God. Those who die are the guests of God. No matter which religion they belong to, we have respect for the dead. The destruction of the gravestones is unacceptable. Prophet Muhammed used to stand up and greet the dead, no matter which religion they belonged to. No one but God can intervene to the dead."
Doğan, emphasizing the need for the religious people should speak up against these attacks, said: "These people must stand up and raise hell about this issue. The law for the dead is trampled, the prophets and their words are trampled. Our religion is being corrupted, it is insulted. What are you waiting for? What kind of Muslims are we if we allow attacks against the gravestones?"