DİYARBAKIR – DTK made a written statement regarding the massacre in Dersim and said: "What happened in Dersim was a crime against humanity. We call on to the government to face the fact that it was a massacre."
Democratic Society Congress (DTK) issued a written statement regarding the anniversary of the Dersim Massacre. DTK said: "We condemn the massacre carried out in Dersin between 1937- 1938 with all our anger. We respectfully commemorate our tens of thousands of honourable Alevi Kurd brothers and sisters and bow respectfully before their memory. No massacre can stop a community fighting for their freedom and honour. As DTK we call the government to face the fact that it was a massacre. We demand the Dersim archives to be opened and the whereabouts of the graves of Seyit Rıza and his friends to be disclosed. The name Dersim must be reinstated and the state should apologize to the people of of Dersim. Those who commit crimes against humanity should be prosecuted and their names should be disclosed. "