ANKARA- "Turkey needs to confront the concepts of 'terror' and 'terrorism'", said Prof. Dr. Necla Kurul as she also states "The continuing oppression against Kurdish political subjects results in such a way in the West that people in the West becomes desperate whose dreams and new life desires are prohibited."
After she was purged from Ankara University, continuing her political works in HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) Party Assembly, Prof. Dr. Necla Kurul shared her evaluations regarding the current discussions on HDP. Kurul stated that HDP's position to support diversity and plurality was not tolerated by right-wing politicians.
Kurul said, "Muslim-Turk construction is imposed as the major structure over the society. This imposition gets it power also from the right-wing historically. İyi Party'e Akşener see the alliance just with CHP, SP and their party. She has a tense relation with HDP. She know she needs them, but she gave her voters the message that she had nothing to do with theç. However, this message has no response back. It is actually useless."
Kurul continued her evaluations as follows regarding the perception of terrorism in Turkey: "Turkey needs to confront the concepts of 'terror' and 'terrorism'. If there will be any democratization, than we should not evaluate the existence of one nation as a thread, as terror and as terrorism. Such a reading works for nothing but the maintenance of the daily politics of the government. Political power tries to determine the political ecology via fear, always pointing out to a scapegoat they create themselves. I think the society in turkey takes a position against such an apporach. However, the opposition is lack of showing adequate response."