İZMİR- Human Rights Association in İzmir will share three stories of the people who got lost under custody on a daily basis within the context of "The week of the losses".
Human Rights Association (İHD) İzmir Branch declared written statement for the May 17-31 International Week of Struggle Against the Losses in Custody. In the statement it was declared that the losses in custody are a special inhuman practice of the state against the opposition.
The statement declared as follows: Hundreds od people from the opposition, Kurdish politicians, human rights defenders have been taken and got lost in custody since the loss of writer Sabahattin Ali. In each custody case the state either refused to have these lost people in custody or even if they accepted so, nothing has been heard from these losses and the deceased bodies of some of them have been discovered. In our country, thanks to the great effort of Hasan Ocak, his cemetery was finally uncovered. "Plaza de Mayo" families in Argentine and the longest civil disobedience act of the world "Saturday Mothers" in İstanbul have put the losses under the spotlight. Thanks to them, the reality of the losses in custody was faced. İHD İzmir Branch will share on eachy day of this special week the stories of 3 lost people and these stories will be published on our social media accounts with the hashtag of #KayıplarHaftası. We call everyone to contribute to this social media action."