They keep their culture alive with Dengbêj nights

DÎLOK – Koçers (Transition from nomadic to sedentary life), who were forced to migrate to Dîlok due to state oppression, are struggling to keep their culture and language alive.
Dîlok (Antep), one of the most migrated cities in Kurdistan, is home to hundreds of thousands of citizens whose villages were burned down in the 1990s. Those who have settled in the city are trying to keep the culture of their region alive. Especially families who migrated from villages in Botan organize events to keep the dengbêj (Kurdish songs/singers) culture alive. The participants, who come together in a house in Düztepe Neighborhood, sing Kurdish and Turkish folk songs as well as klams (Kurdish folk songs).
Citizens attending music concerts in both Mezmaxor (?ahinbey) and Alaban (?ehitkamil) districts of Dîlok have the chance to listen not only to music but also to çirok (fairytale) from Kurdish culture. On these nights, especially women sing Kurdish klams. In Dîlok, where they have lived for more than 20 years, the women still manage to preserve the timbre of their region and mesmerize the audience with their klams. 
Stating that they had to migrate to Dîlok 27 years ago from Dihê (Eruh) district of Sêrt (Siirt) province due to state oppression, Mesude Üngür said: “We had to leave our homeland because of what the state put us through. We have never wished for anything but freedom and peace. We have been here for 27 years, we have not lost our identity, nor have we forgotten our language. The more we come together on nights like this, the more we connect to our culture. I think there should be more events like this.”   
Nezire Beçet, who was displaced from Serhel (Tuzcular) village in Berwarî (Pervari) district of Sêrt province 25 years ago, emphasized that they have not forgotten neither their culture nor their language despite all the oppression they have experienced. Beçet said, “We think such nights should be organized more often. These events need to increase. Our children and young people should be more involved in these events.” 
Hesade Beçet, who was displaced from Serhel village 30 years ago and settled in Mezmaxor, is among the women who sing the songs of the Botan region at dengbêj nights. Explaining that they keep their language and culture alive in Dîlok.
 MA / Ceylan Şahinli