Statement from Bar Association regarding nature plunder in Botan


ŞIRNEX- Şirnex Bar Association stated that they will take the necessary initiatives against the nature plunder in Botan and that they are following the process.

Tree slaughter by village guards under military orders continues in Şirnex's Besta, Cudî, Gabar and finally in Elkê's Komatê village. Şirnex Bar Association Environment and Urban Commission made a written statement regarding the nature plunder in the region.
Stating that they will fight against the continuous plunder, the Bar Association made the following statements in its statement:
"Despite the applications we make every year, criminal complaints and the reports we submit to the public regarding the nature massacre in Şırnak, the attempt to leave the region treeless and dry continues where it left off. As can be seen from the complaints received by our bar association and the images we have received, the same process is followed as every year. As of the summer season, these cuts and destructions increase rapidly, and hundreds of tons of endemic and historical trees are destroyed every day. As we said before, Şırnak nature is being sacrificed for profit and what is wanted is an area equipped with mines and a nature turned into a construction site.
We will demonstrate our will and determination to continue the legal process as it is, and we will not turn a blind eye to our nature being plundered before our eyes. We respectfully announce to the public that we are closely following this process, which is followed meticulously by our Environment and Urban Commission and which continues despite the Ombudsman decision we have previously taken, and that we will take the necessary initiatives."