Uçar: We succeeded in Wan, we will also succeed in Curnê Reş and Xelfetî

RIHA - Reacting to the decision to renew the Curnê Reş and Xelfetî elections, DBP Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said: "We succeeded in Van, we will also succeed in Halfeti, Hilvan, Şırnak, Bitlis and Kars. Because the people gave the certificate of election."
Riha (Urfa) Provincial Organization of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) reacted to the decision to renew the elections in Curnê Reş and Xelfetî with a press release. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, DEM Party Women's Assembly Spokesperson Halide Türkoğlu, DEM Party deputies Saliha Aydeniz, Sinan Çiftyürek, Vezir Parlak, elected Curnê Reş and Xelfetî Municipality Co-mayors, representatives of the democratic mass organization in the city and many people attended. The statement made in front of the Ahmet Bahçıvan Business Center in the central Haliliye district. 
Speaking at the statement, DBP Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said: "The people won the election, AKP and the deep state lost."
Calling on the government to stop attacking the gains of the Kurds, Uçar said: "On the election day, the AKP Chair and the President said that they would respect the will of the people, but they did not do so. They wanted to steal the election with fake voters. The Kurds gave the strongest response against the conspiracies. They have to obey people’s response."
Stating that the election results in Şirnex, Bedlîs and Qers are not legitimate, Uçar said: "They think they won the election with the mobile voters. It is not like that. Only the AKP is the one whose objections accepted. Our objections are not accepted. In Hilvan and Halfeti, the people responded to the isolation with election. The result of the ballot boxes is a response not only to the government, but also to the entire democratic mass organization and the opposition. Everyone saw what happened in Van. The people took to the streets and raised their voice against the divested rights that were wanted to be taken back. All mechanisms of the state were defeated by the will of the people in the streets of Van. We will do this for Hilvan and Halfeti, too."
Reminding that the ballot papers in Curnê Reş were planted by people including Mustafa Bayık, the nephew of the current AKP mayor and AKP candidate Ali Aslan Bayık, Uçar said: "It is very clear who burned the ballot boxes in Hilvan. We won in Halfeti with a difference of 906 votes, but it was decided to renew the election due to AKP's objection. The frauds in Halfeti started in the early hours of the morning. The election judge detected this, but the renewal decision was made. The judge supported the will of the people, but orders came from elsewhere. AKP lost. What this country needs is not war policies. This country needs a losing AKP and AKP lost. AKP looking for ways to usurp other places to stop its internal discussions at the table. AKP lost power, there is no possibility of winning from now on. This country needs a democratic politics. This election showed how an oppressive government can be overthrown at the ballot box. We thank all our people who made this happen."
Stating that the people gave the certificate of election to the DEM Party Co-mayors, Uçar said: "All our values, which the government ignored, want to be given to the AKP again through theft. Our people gave the certificate of election. Our Co-mayors went to the municipalities with our people. We call out to all the opposition for Hilvan and Halfeti. We succeeded in Van, we will also succeed in Halfeti, Hilvan, Şırnak, Bitlis and Kars. These belong to the Kurds. We invite all Democratic mass organizations to show solidarity. We took what is ours and we will take it."
The statement ended with the slogans "Bijî iradeya gele Kurd (Live long will of the Kurds)" and "We will win by resisting".
The delegation will visit Curnê Reş and Xelfetî districts, where it was decided to renew the elections.