Sebahat Tuncel: Either we choose freedom or we become slaves

DÊRSIM - Sebahat Tuncel, speaking at the panel "Jineolojî discusses democratic politics", stated that the main issue against oppression is "to surrender or not to surrender" and said "We will choose one of two things; either freedom or slavery". 
The 22nd Munzur Nature and Culture Festival, organized in Dêrsim with the slogan "We will not allow the usurpation of our nature and will", continues on its 3rd day. As part of the program, "Memory Route" activities were organized to Seyit Rıza Square, Ana Fatma and Halvori. Today's events were attended by politician Sebahat Tuncel, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) MP Ayten Kordu, Dêrsim Municipality Co-Mayor Cevdet Konak, representatives of many political parties, civil society organizations and many people. 
During the visit to Ana Fatma, a candle was lit. From there, they went to Halvori (38 cliffs), where men were massacred with bayonets and oak wood on August 14-15, 1938, and women threw themselves off the cliff to avoid being raped. Then carnations were left in Munzur.
After the activities here, the panel "Jineolojî discusses democratic politics" was held at Sanat Sokağı. Sebahat Tuncel, Jin Magazine editor Rojda Yıldız and Democratic Alevi Associations (DAD) Co-Chair Kadriye Doğan participated in the panel moderated by Birsen Orhan, Co-Mayor of Dêrsim Municipality.
Yıldız, who took the floor first in the panel, stated that for thousands of years, societies have managed to create spaces to create their own truth by weaving democratic politics everywhere against the exploitation policies of the governments. Yıldız said: “For many years, humanity has built their own sociality by producing politics. Otherwise, how could they live together, build traditions and customs? The very ability to live together has been structurally disrupted with the emergence of power. In the historical process, there has been a constant resistance against the empowerment of faith, and assimilation against the powers has been rejected. All of the rebellions and resistances experienced in this geography are being discussed today as the construction of a democratic political culture. But unfortunately, the transformation of politics in the last hundred years into a concept that can only be adequate with a system of representative democracy has destroyed the political perceptions of all of us.”   
Adding that the social structure called “monism” is a system built on the rejection of the reality of women, Yıldız said that democratic politics is a solution to the problems of society. Yıldız said, “Taking the differences in society as a basis and opening space for them is actually one of the most legitimate issues of democratic politics.” 
“Jîneology is the most important science of our time,” said Kadriye Doğan, Co-President of DAD, and pointed out that the loss of women is the loss of society. Adding that women are sacred, living and sustaining, Doğan said: “The Alevi faith has been massacred until today because of its women's libertarian structure. Alevism needs to enter the special field of Jîneology. Because women are libertarian. Nature is also fertile, women are also fertile. Alevism does not harm nature. This faith is peaceful, free, equal, loving and protecting nature. Let's organize for it.” 
Lastly, Sebahat Tuncel stated that Jineology is a journey to the truth and said: “Jineology is a journey to reach the secret of life. The male capitalist system turned all the facts upside down and told us a false story. They made society believe this lie. Therefore, we will turn it upside down again and reveal the truth.”
Stating that democratic politics is generally defined as “having the right to vote and be elected, securing fundamental rights, the rule of law, participation, transparency and accountability”, Tuncel said: “This is important, but only one of these is valid in Turkey. That is the right to vote and it only applies to the government. It says that 'the will must be respected', but when it comes to Kurds, it is not respected. There is a special law for Kurds in Turkey. Kurds are deprived of citizenship. Kurds are suppressed through law and politics and the space for democratic politics is eliminated. Another issue is transparency and accountability, how will we ensure transparency? For example, the municipality has certain revenues. Where does this money come from, where does it go, is it spent according to the needs of the society? The public should be able to monitor this. This is what is called transparency. Is it normal for the trustee regime to leave so much debt? They steal, they don't account to anyone where these revenues are spent, to whom they are spent.”
Pointing out that the field of law is the area where Kurds are the most victimized, Tuncel stated that there is a “fascist law” in Turkey. Stating that the government uses the law as a tool against everyone who is not one of them, Tuncel said: “Law is important. Because it protects the people and the poor against the power. In Turkey, the law is used against the people, the poor and the oppressed. Nowhere in the world can you talk about a political genocide operation. Nowhere in the world do you go to prison for speaking your mind. What is a right for them is not a right for Kurds and socialists. There is a dual law in Turkey. Young people are detained and arrested for chanting 'Bijî serok Apo (Long Live Leader Apo)' and expressing their opinions. This is violence, persecution, fascism. It is nothing else. Everything in the name of Kurds in this country is criminalized. Every activity we do becomes a terrorist activity. Speaking is a crime in this country, how can we solve our problems without speaking? Only by expanding democratic politics can we solve our problems.”
Tuncel, who pointed out that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was officially addressed during the talks held in İmralı, continued as follows: “At that time, everyone was talking, they were very happy and felt free. Now, no one can talk. No one can express their true thoughts. Will we surrender to this, will we say ‘no’? Surrendering to this means that we will allow the institutionalization of fascism. The right to choose is freedom. We will choose one of two things; either fear or courage, slavery or freedom... In the end, they cannot take away our right to choose. Choosing is a risky business, but it is freedom. We may pay a price, but we will live with our heads held high and with our honor everywhere. This is what suits us.”
The panel ended after the Q&A session.
The festival will continue with a panel titled “Current Political Developments”.

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