MERSİN - EMEP Deputy Chair Sedat Başkavak stated that attacks continue despite Abdullah Öcalan's historic call, while İHD MYK member Hakkı Demir said that the government must take steps as soon as possible.
Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's historic call remains on the agenda. The call, which is supported by many groups from the government to the opposition, from civil society organizations to journalists, academics and artists, continues to be discussed in public.
Sedat Başkavak, Deputy Chair of the Labour Party (EMEP) and Hakkı Demir, member of the Central Executive Committee (MYK) of the Human Rights Association (İHD), evaluated Abdullah Öcalan's call for "Peace and Democratic Society" and the steps the government must take in response to this call.
Sedat Başkavak stated that legal arrangements must be made to recognise the Kurdish people's right to identity, culture and language. Başkavak stated that despite Abdullah Öcalan's call, attacks suc as detention, arrest and appointment of trustees continue and emphasised that the steps to be taken by the government in response to the demands of the Kurdish people are imprtant. "What will be the fate of tens of thousands of political prisoners? On the one hand, it is discussed that the prisons are full, on the other hand, in the 2025 budget, a budget is allocated to build 11 prisons. It is necessary to raise the demand for equality, freedom, peace and brotherhood more. Along with this, it has become even more important to raise the Kurdish people's demands for identity, culture and language. It is necessary to fight by uniting around these demands."
Hakkı Demir stated that the call made by Abdullah Öcalan had great repercussions in the world and that as İHD they have been struggling for the end of the conflicts for many years. Stating that words are short where weapons speak, Hakkı Demir said, "By making this call, Abdullah Öcalan has actually strengthened the hand of the opposition in Turkey. I think this call is more important for Syria. Turkey is carrying out operations in Syria and has troops there. It feeds the FSA (SNA) and supports them financially and militarily. With this call, these justifications will be removed. The opposition should now be able to boldly say 'Turkey has no business in Syria'. Once this environment of non-conflict is realised, it should immediately withdraw its troops and leave Syria completely. Thousands of political prisoners in Turkey must be released immediately. Mayors who were appointed trustees must be reinstated."
Stating that those waging the struggle for labour and democracy should embrace this process, Demir added, "The struggle against the antidemocratic practices carried out by the government must continue unabated. We should not say 'PKK has laid down arms, the struggle for democracy is over'. On the contrary, the struggle for democracy has gained more importance and strength and we have more to say. Our belief in a democratic process in which people do not lose their lives and mothers do not cry is strong. We will try to strengthen this process as much as we can."
MA / Abdulkadir Ayten