MARDİN - The bodies of more than 70 people killed during the curfews in Nusaybin are still kept in the Cemetery of the Nameless. Father Metin Karaduman who saw almost 50 bodies to identify his son said: "We are being tortured."
The bodies of the people who lost their lives in the curfews declared between March 14, 2016 and April 21, 2018 are still not delivered to their families.The bodies of the people who lost their lives in that period are mostly buried in the Cemetery of the Nameless in Mardin, Urfa, Antep and Malatya. Only some of them were identified.
Most of the families gave blood samples to the Mardin Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to deliver the bodies of their relatives. But so far, only 10 bodies were delivered to their families. More than 70 people's bodies are still waiting to be delivered. The prosecutor's office is still demanding to recieve the DNA matches to allow the bodies to be claimed. But some people who witnessed the period said the DNA samples were not sent to Forensic Medicine Institution. According to the information given by the witnesses; 4 months after the ban was lifted, the bodies were buried in the Kamor Cemetery, and one of the DNA samples was found to be buried with the body. Later, 12 more bodies were checked and the samples revealed to be buried with them. However, the other graves could not be checked. The request for the exhuming of the bodies to check was not accepted.
Tüm bunların yanı sıra, cenazelerle ilgilenen dönemin kimi tanıkları DNA örneklerinin İstanbul Adli Tıp Kurumu’na gönderilmediğini ileri sürdü. Tanıkların verdiği bilgiye göre; kentteki yasağın kaldırılmasından 4 ay sonra halen 31 cenazenin bulunduğu Kamor Mezarlığı’na cenazeler defnedilirken, DNA örneklerinden birinin halen cenazenin üstünde olduğu fark edildi. Daha sonra defni yapılmayan 12 cenazeye bakıldı. 12 cenazenin de aynı şekilde DNA örneklerinin halen üstünde olduğu fark edildi. Bunun üzerine DNA örnekleri, İstanbul Adli Tıp Kurumu’na gönderilmek üzere yetkililere teslim edildi. Ancak, daha önce defnedilen diğer cenazelerin kontrolü yapılamadı. Defnedilen cenazelerin kontrol edilmesi için mezarların yeniden açılmasına dönük yapılan talep ise kabul edilmedi.
Karaduman who stated that he had to examine almost 50 bodies to find and identify his son, made a call and said: "All families are going through this torture. We demand the DNA testing to be done as soon as possible and we demand to claim our children. We are being tortured. All bodies that came after us was tested and identified. Only the ones coming from Nusaybin are being kept waiting. I can't access my file for a year and half. We want this thing to be over and we want to bury our children properly."
MA /Ahmet Kanbal