ANKARA - In the report prepared by KESK on hospitals in Ankara, it was stated that the healthcare workers who were diagnosed with Covid- 19 are being summoned back to work before their treatment and 14 days of quarantine ends.
Confederation of Public Laborers' Unions (KESK) Ankara Branches Platform prepared a report in line with the information they received from state and university hospitals and 112 Ankara stations. According to the report, the lack of personal protective equipment continues and only the healthcare personnel contacted with the patients showing the symptoms of Covid- 19 or diagnosed with it are being tested. On the other hand, elective surgeries were stopped in all hospitals and outpatient services were recorded to be minimized.
The report also suggests that there are people working in Gölbaşı State Hospital that are showing the symptoms of Covid- 19. The report also shows that some healthcare workers previously diagnosed with Covid-19 are summoned back to work before their treatment and 14 days of quarantine ends.
According to the report, the healthcare workers are allowed to use only one mask per day in Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital.
The report also states that 112 station workers are given one N95 mask per day, and the masks are given unpackaged.
It was stated in the report that the personnel working in Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Hospital, Pursaklar State Hospital, Yenimahalle State Hospital and Ankara Training and Research Hospital have access to personal protective equipment.
Speaking about the report, Health and Social Workers' Union (SES) Ankara Branch Co-chair Kubilay Yalçınkaya noted that the demands of health workers in general in terms of working procedures and principles were not met. Emphasizing that diagnosed and treated healthcare workers should stay in their homes for 14 days, Yalçınkaya pointed out that the fact that they are being called back to work helps spread the disease.
Stating that not enough people are being tested and the tests are not reliable, Yalçınkaya said: "Even a person in the 112 teams is diagnosed with Covid- 19, the rest of the team is made to work. All the healthcare workers demand is to be able to live and help people stay alive. This demand must be met immediately."
MA / Zemo Ağgöz