ANKARA- It was claimed that for the suspect Burhan Gök of the The Massacre of June 5 Trial no evidence could have been found. However the lawyer of the trial Kazım Bayaktar shared the information that "They have signed the decision regarding the suspect Burhan Gök as if we had collected no evidence against him."
The court has announced it decision regarding the suspects of the bomb attack, who are the members of Islamic State (ISIS) Orhan Gönder, İsmail Korkmaz, Mustafa Kılınç ve Burhan Gök. The bomb attack happened on the Diyarbakır Station Square, where Peoples' Democratic Party was making a "Great Humanity Meeting" two days before the June 7 General Election of Turkey.
In the decision regarding the suspect Burhan Gök these statements were read: "There is no evidence without suspicion that he was a member of ISIS terror organization or he was a part of the hierarcial order of the ISIS or he was linked to the ISIS." With this decision the suspect of the bomb attack Burhan Gök is acquitted of all crimes he was being charged.
On the other hand, lawyers of the trial get ready for the appeal. Lawyer Bayraktar told that, "They have written such a decision as if we had never presented them any documents or evidence. Burhan Gök is the one who rented the house, we have the leasing document and we have his signature. We have eye-witnesses that Burhan Gök was one of the ones who also went to the meeting to rent the house. We also have phone records. With this decision, they did not only let go of the suspect, but also acquietted him from all the charges. He will be under the shadows now. The fair trial has been suspended from the very beginning."
MA / Berivan Altan