Prisoner with memory loss unable to access treatment

COLEMÊRG - Daveti Tan, a 62-year-old prisoner in Van Type F Closed Prison, is suffering from memory loss and has lost weight. Tan's daughter stated that her father cannot access treatment. 
According to outdated data from the Human Rights Association (IHD), there are still 1,517 ill prisoners in prison, 651 of them seriously ill. While the urgent call for the release of dozens of prisoners who cannot even meet their basic needs is not heard, more than 100 prisoners have died in prison in the last two years. 
One of the prisoners who started to have health problems due to prison conditions is 62-year-old Daveti Tan. Tan, who was arrested in Colemêrg (Hakkari) on August 15, 2023 after his prison sentence was upheld in the case he was tried for “aiding a terrorist organization”, is being prevented from receiving treatment. It is stated that Tan, who has been imprisoned in Van Type F Closed Prison for a year, has memory loss and has lost excessive weight, but his illness could not be detected because he was not referred to a hospital. Evin Tan spoke about her father's condition.
Tan said that her father was not taken to the hospital even though he was referred to the hospital by the prison doctor. Stating that her father was in a condition that he could not stay in prison, Tan said that their petitions for a transfer were fruitless. 
Tan said that they applied to the Human Rights Association (IHD) and the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) for her father. 
Tan stated that the rights of political prisoners must be implemented and said: “There are hundreds of prisoners like my father and they need to be treated as soon as possible. No prisoner must be left to die. I call on the Ministry of Health to take the necessary steps for the treatment of ill prisoners. Families must also not remain silent and take action. If each family takes care of their own prisoner, there will be no more deaths and these pressures will end.”