Women's agenda: Common struggle against attacks

  • women
  • 13:15 17 June 2024
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ISTANBUL - Explaining the importance of the common struggle against anti-women policies, the women said: "The relationship between the Kurdish women's movement and the feminist women's movement is not just a relationship of solidarity, but a relationship of struggle together."

While attacks against women are increasing day by day due to the policies implemented by the AKP government, the achievements are being targeted one by one with legal regulations. After the Istanbul Convention, an important agreement in preventing violence against women and domestic violence, was annulled, Law No. 6284, which aims to prevent violence, targeted the right to co-majority and alimony, which is an important achievement in terms of equal representation. Now, with the "woman's surname" regulation included in the 9th Judicial Package, which is expected to be introduced to the Parliament, an attempt is made to prevent women from using their single surnames after marriage.
Women's struggle against masculine policies targeting gains continues. The Kurdish women's movement and the Turkish feminist movement came together at the "We are meeting for Justice and Freedom from Kobanê to Gezi" event held in Istanbul on June 4 and talked about the attacks and the struggle. Independent Feminist Filiz Karakuş and Women's Time Association Chair Dilek Başalan, who attended the meeting, evaluated the common struggle of the women's movement.
Filiz Karakuş stated that Gezi protests have an important place in the history of common struggle and said that Gezi was a ground where all segments of the country, especially the women's movement, came together. Karakuş said: "The relationship between the Kurdish women's movement and the feminist women's movement has continued to grow stronger since then. The relationship between them is not only a relationship of solidarity, but also a relationship of struggle together on common grounds. The Kurdish women's movement and the feminist movement are waging a joint struggle against many problems. We have fought together in Turkey and the Kurdish region, against murders, exploitation of women's labor, and oppression, and to ensure that the Istanbul Convention does not disappear, and we continue to do so."
Reminding that there is a platform such as Women Together Strong (KBG) that holds all women's movements together, Karakuş said that one of the common agenda of women is peace. Reminding that the Women's Initiative for Peace was previously established, Karakuş underlined that women will continue to fight for peace. Karakuş said: "It is not possible to wage a peace struggle in Turkey without the Kurdish women's movement and the feminist movement." 
Drawing attention to the stage reached in the women's struggle, Dilek Başalan, Chair of Women's Time Association, shared information about the activities of the association and said: "When we go to the field or communicate with institutions and work together, we realize that we have inherited a very beautiful legacy. We are discussing how we can take this legacy even further. We are engaged in a study in which every woman, regardless of feminist or Kurdish women's movement, shares something with each other and eliminates their shortcomings together. This gives strength and hope to all women in Turkey and the Middle East."
Başalan contunied as follows: "As women, from the moment we are born, we are in solidarity with our mothers and sisters in our homes. Then, with the awareness of the women's movement and the feminist movement, we stand in solidarity with women on the road, at work and at school. Because we know that we have no other way than solidarity and organization. 'Woman is the land of women' and we know very well how to build this homeland. We will defend human rights and women's freedom by always talking about peace and solidarity. We will continue to protect the nature, children and animals in the geography we live in and defend their rights. This intersectional struggle tells us a lot.”